Soo I am back in the States. What a ride! My original plan was to explore Japan until the first couple weeks into January, but I decided a few months back that I wouldn't have another opportunity to spend the holidays with my parents so I decided to surprise my Mom for Christmas. I couldn't write about it as she reads my blog, so sorry for lying to all of you but you understand. Since I decided to extend my Thailand trip and I had already bought my return flight home from Tokyo, I flew into Tokyo Dec. 18 and left Dec. 20. Sorry Japan, I know you deserve MUCH more time but I had to go with the flow. No regrets. As the Terminator said, "I'll be back."
Post Travel Transition
I am writing this as of Jan 4, 2018 so I've been back for about 2 weeks now. The last few days I was in not the best of moods and I couldn't figure out why. Earlier today I received an email from a family friend (at the time I didn't recognize the name, so I thought it was just a viewer of my blog) regarding my photography and blog. In this email he went on talking about how much he enjoyed my photos and story even though he read it backwards (I wonder if its better? I'll have to try it). He also went on to tell me about Robert Monroe who, known for his research into altered consciousness, was a writer, a director at two Ohio radio stations, and founder of The Monroe Institute. I had not heard of him before and quickly did some research to see who this was and how the Monroe Institute could relate to me. Not only is his work very interesting and very relevant to my spiritual journey but after watching quite a few you tube videos I found myself reenergized to sustain my mental health. Although my travels have ended (for now), I shouldn't have my mental state revert back to old habits. I've realized that sustaining my mental attitude takes some work and I could no longer rely on my travels to take me to my happy place. What my friend didn't know was that his email was exactly what I needed to not only get me out of my "funk" but to reenergize my mental thirst. I now feel like there is so much information that I need/want to learn regarding Robert Monroe and his books/theories. Did you know he invented Hemi-Sync? Basically it uses specific frequencies (or vibrations) that resonate with the body to change or alter something such as states of consciousness, mental issues, relaxation, etc. Sounds pretty crazy right? Well it resonates with me and my beliefs because as you may remember in my blog, I speak of using energies to stay positive and ultimately manifest your goals and dreams. His methods take a very scientific approach in applying the power of the mind for a various of uses. Fascinating!
To recap I thought it would be fun to tally all the places and things I've experienced along my journey. They are as follows:
Out of my home in California since June 1, 2017 (7 months and counting)! I stayed in 40 hostels over 9 countries! Flew on 13 flights and missed 3 of them! Traveled on 3 trains and missed 2 of them! 7 Ferry rides and 10 bus rides! Hiked 12 miles and drove over 7000km in 1 rented car, 1 ATV 4 wheeler, 3 motorbikes, 1 of which I bought and sold. Visited 6 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and 2 National Parks. Lost my phone, charger, my one and only book, and some sweet elephant pants. Took over 200gb of photos and about the same of drone video. Met countless friends that I hope never to forget and enough memories to last a lifetime.
I want to thank each one of you for supporting and following my journey through the thick and the thin! I have a feeling I'll be back on the road again soon, until then, Happy New Years and make 2018 everything you want it to be!
If you have any questions about my journey, prints or shoots feel free to email me @ [email protected].